wear panties yourself," Miss Christie teased me. She had probably been coached by Cindy on just how to tease me.

"I'll be back next week with another bunch. I told my boyfriend he should buy some pretty silk things for me from Victoria's Secret, now that I don't have to launder them myself. Oh, I almost forgot, Cissie he went crazy over that lace garter belt last night — just like I thought he would! What's the attraction of those things?"

After Miss Christie left, I served Frank and Cindy a leisurely dinner out on the patio. As I cleared the table, Cindy said, "We're going to our room now, Cissie do the dishes and watch Missy for us and please don't disturb us!"

The couple giggled as they held hands and literally ran off to their bedroom, leaving me to deal with all the dirty dishes and Missy's wet diapers! "Go to our room" was a code Cindy used to inform me that she and her husband were going to make love an activity they engaged in quite frequently.

What a great life they had. I often thought how nice it must be for them to make love while I dealt with the housework and cared for their baby for them.

Missy went down about 8 o'clock, leaving the evening a little more free than I had expected. I rested for awhile in my room, looking through last month's fashion magazines. At around 9:30 a light on my board began to blink, summoning me to the master suite.

I knocked softly on the closed door and heard Cindy say, "Come in."

The couple was in bed, and by the looks of all the scattered clothes on the floor, they were undressed. When Cindy sat up to talk to me, one of her bare breasts casually popped out over the sheets.

"Bring us some wine, Cissie maybe we'll finish the Chablis we had at dinner," Cindy ordered with a satisfied sigh. Her hair was a mess, but it was still kind of pretty. "Yes, Ma'am," I replied, curtsying to the couple in bed. I served Frank and Cindy wine and then began to straighten up the bedroom for them. I picked up Cindy's frilly panties and little socks on one side of the room and Frank's shorts and shirt on the other side of the room. And Cindy's blouse and bra were bunched up on the bathroom floor for some reason. Frank and Cindy laughed when they saw me roaming around picking up their widely scattered clothing.


"I guess we were kinda in a hurry!" Cindy said, holding her hand up to her face like a high school girl and giggling. After Frank left to go watch TV in the living room, Cindy sighed and said, "We just made love like crazy, Cissie! Maybe I'll take a nice, hot shower go run one for me, please."

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied, blushing at how intimate and casual my mistress was with me about her sex life.

After her shower Cindy was in a playful mood, obviously satisfied and pleased with her pampered station in life. She sat on the edge of her bed and had me rub a special softening lotion into her feet for awhile as she scanned the latest issue of Interview.

Cindy looked down at me over her magazine and smiled. "My little Foot Maid!" she said as she giggled and affectionately patted me on the head, causing me to have simultaneous feelings of shame and affection.


MAGAZINE Volume # 1




Volume 2


"Danny didn't know what Halloween costume to wear. His sister had an idea.